Example of one of 193 host nations
planned developments


The purpose of Vietnam Mega Cities is to improve the quality of life for Millions of the Peoples of Vietnam and all other 193 host nations globally, to help with an advance transportation above and underground systems and state of the art Residential and Commercial developments created above key locations of the new above and underground stations. Once completed, the municipal operations will be offered to the local government authorities with buyout options financed with planned municipal bond issues. The entire development will be financed and built through a number of strategic development companies and the host governments Globally where our developments will be welcomed and authorized.

Benefits for Residents

Residents of Vietnam Mega Cities will enjoy a staggering list of benefits, including:
• Free city services — such as fire and police departments, city maintenance, and educational facilities.
• Minimal risk of theft and crime due to the fact that no one carries real money with the use of debit cards, and police will monitor closed circuit TV’s throughout the city developments.
• Stress-free commuting from home to office in a matter of minutes due to the fact that residents can walk from the residential buildings to the commercial, cafeteria, industry and transportation buildings, no driving necessary for local workers.
• Fewer health care concerns due to the fact that the rent or mortgage residents pay will covers health insurance. The elimination of the insurance company’s sales department will greatly reduce insurance costs for some of the key employers within our developments.
• More free time for everyone due to the fact that no one needs to cook for him or herself. Large cafeterias will feed everyone in the city, and at least one cafeteria will be open all night.
• Less pollution due to the fact that Vietnam Mega Cities will be located in the country, surrounded by farmland, far away from industrial contaminants and emissions. Also, elevators will replace automobiles as the primary form of transportation, so air pollution will be greatly reduced for local workers within our developments. The main transportation to the cities in the newly developed underground transpiration high speed train and light rail systems linking all areas of the Nation of Vietnam and Globally.
• Better conservation of land and natural resources due to Vietnam Mega City’s efficient use of building space and surrounding acreage.

Huge Savings for Vietnam Mega Cities
The cost of operating a Mega City is estimated to be about 1/2 the cost of operating a traditional, modern-day city. For a comprehensive breakdown of municipal operating costs for a Vietnam Mega Cities compared to present-day cities, please see the comparison chart.
In addition, because of its compact and efficient design, a Vietnam Mega City would accommodate a larger number of people in a smaller
geographic area, with less waste and less overhead. This means that the Mega City plan would eliminate 20-40% of the following:

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