Last-minute inclusion of mock exam results in England follows U-turn over Scotland grades

Lockdown measures put in place in Aberdeen last week will remain, Sturgeon has said.

The Scottish first minister said last week that the restrictions would be imposed to try to contain a local outbreak. Bars and restaurants were closed, as well as the return of the five-mile travel limit from homes.

I know people in Aberdeen, who of course are today dealing with severe weather as well as Covid, will be disappointed with this decision, by I want to thank them for complying so well with the measures that we put in place last week.

I want to stress that nobody wants these restrictions to be in place for longer than is necessary. They will be reviewed in one week’s time and as soon as we can relax any of them, then we will do.

The former leader of the Scottish Conservatives has used her first appearance at first minister’s questions for almost a year to “get tore in” to Nicola Sturgeon over her government’s “exam fiasco”, after the furious row over downgrading of exam result which resulted in a major u-turn from Scotland’s education secretary John Swinney yesterday.

In a knockabout session, Ruth Davidson sneaked in jibes about Joanna Cherry (a potential leadership rival to Sturgeon) and the former SNP leader Alex Salmond. For her part, Sturgeon insisted her government had done the right thing, saying: “We are big enough to say we got it wrong, to apologise to young people and to put it right”, while accepting that they had “thought too much about standardisation in the system rather than individual experience in what is a unique year”.

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