The Gray Coyote within the Desert City

The gray coyote lurking in the streets, seeking something to eat, ugly and hungry all the days long, no fear, no worries as food is near. It’s a gray monster to some, gray warrior to others; like death coming or a short burst of thunder.
There is no fear in the path it follows, only the possibility of striking its prey to quench never ending hunger. Death is in its path however it may be taken, death is planned and never forsaken, options all the way long, death surrounds to all it belongs.
Is this a time of fear, is it a time of despair, is it a time of trouble, is it a time of social conditioning, is it a time of things to come, now we are in the battle of it all. What will become of the gray coyote that has no fear, only an eye of opportunity to take what is near? Although we see the threat clear and near we still are dumbfounded as to why it is here.
All the wonder of nature upon us, it is only natural for the gray coyote to wander, close and far away with no fear but an absolute hunger. Death comes near, many fall under her peer, yes death is coming planned without fear.
The gray coyote is upon us now, no emotion, no reason other than to quench its everlasting hunger for your life is its desire, your life force is its quest, your life is what he craves, watch out he comes near, he is ravenous as he growls, he is upon us now!
Protect yourselves from this gray coyote, protect yourselves from its vices, fight to live one day more, fight for life without the thought of losing your life source. Understand the motive of this gray coyote, understand your power to overcome, resolve your resources to become stronger and mightier than the gray coyote lurking in the streets, seeking something to eat, ugly and hungry all the days long, no fear as death is always near.
This gray coyote is the ugly manipulation of all that is true, good laws for you, only to be devoured by untruth, with the objective of killing you. Fake pandemic and illegal vaccines too, we are being poisoned each day, yes it is true. The gray coyote is illegal mandates, policies and bad laws just for you and yes they are killing us softly as the gray coyote is near lurking and watching without fear, seeking something to eat, ugly and hungry all the days long he is here looking for you.
Man of God
30 September 2021

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