Cat at Northeast’s highest peak dies after 12 years on duty Associated Press (David L)

Navy receives approval for exercises that could increase harm to Washington orcas News Tribune (David L)

A new model found to predict earthquake propagation speed PhysOrg (David L)

Vicious Cycle: Climate Change Spreading Infectious Diseases, Which Contribute to Climate Change SciTech Daily (UserFriendly)

How life-cycle assessments can be (mis)used to justify more single-use plastic packaging PhysOrg (Robert M)

Shot To Prevent HIV Works Better Than Daily Pill in Women New York Times

Why childhood and old age are key to our human capacities Aeon (Anthony L)


Native Americans not really interested in COVID masks U.S. Army keeps sending Duffle Blog


Covid Infections in Animals Prompt Scientific Concern New York Times

Brain Scans Show a Whole Spectrum of COVID-19 Abnormalities We Can’t Fully Explain Science Alert (Chuck L)

One in five COVID-19 patients develop mental illness within 90 days – study Reuters

5 things to know about the Pfizer vaccine news The Hill

Pfizer Vaccine Results Leave Questions About Safety, Longevity Bloomberg. At the very end of the story:

It’s also important to continue watching those who received the vaccine for years. The messenger RNA technology used in the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has never been deployed in humans before.

Some People – Mainly Children – Have Pre-existing Coronavirus Antibodies That Could Help Protect Against COVID-19 SciTech Daily (UserFriendly)

Eli Lilly receives authorisation for Covid-19 antibody treatment Financial Times

How to Safely Form a Pandemic ‘Social Bubble’, According to 5 Disease Experts Science Alert (Chuck L)


Tesco shoppers fume as staff use packs of CORONA beer to block off ‘non-essential’ children’s clothes while other stores barricade winter coats Daily Mail (Kevin W)

Denmark drops plans for mass mink cull after Covid mutation fears Guardian (David L)

Lockdown children forget how to use knife and fork BBC


Even though one can correctly say that what Cuomo said was distorted in the tweet below, WTF is a governor doing opining on vaccines? Since when does New York have the capacity to make an independent assessment of the safety and efficacy of medications?

By contrast, Biden seems on board: President-elect Biden Delivers Remarks on COVID-19 C-SPAN

Students Have To Jump Through Absurd Hoops To Use Exam Monitoring Software Vice


Biden’s China policy will upgrade Trump’s Asia Times. Subhead: “Trump re-oriented US-China policy at great cost; Biden will retain the recalibration but improve its implementation.”

Apple Suspends Supplier For Using Illegal Student Labor In China arstechnica

Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan sign deal to end Karabakh war DW

Where Are They Now? Leaders From My Afghan Tour Are on to Bigger and Bankable Things

Big Brother Is Watching You Watch

Europe is adopting stricter rules on surveillance tech MIT Technology Review


Assange Legal Team Submits Closing Argument Against Extradition ShadowProof (UserFriendly)


Growing Discomfort at Law Firms Representing Trump in Election Lawsuits New York Times (Kevin W). Subhead: “Some lawyers at Jones Day and Porter Wright, which have filed suits about the 2020 vote, said they were worried about undermining the electoral system.” Help me. Even axe murderers are entitled to representation. They are worried about their friends and clients shunning them.

Trump’s New Self-Care Routine: Filing Sad Lawsuits New Republic. So far, the suits have been pretty lame.

Trump camp vows election court fight just began BBC

Trump’s Legal Blitz Isn’t Contesting Enough Votes to Win Bloomberg

Head of DOJ election crimes unit RESIGNS in protest after Bill Barr tore up the rule book and authorized federal prosecutors across US to pursue ‘substantial allegations’ of voter fraud during presidential election despite little evidence Daily Mail

McConnell Backs Trump in Not Conceding Race Wall Street Journal

Voters approve charter amendment and make Florida the epicenter of Rights of Nature in the U.S. (David L)

Voters Overwhelmingly Back Community Broadband In Chicago and Denver Vice

The US media’s desire to play kingmaker in Trump-Biden clash is forcing millions of Americans to the media fringes RT. Kevin W: “Donna Brazile? With Fox News? Seriously?”

Trump (Presumed) Aftermath

Job-seeking Trump officials likely to get chilly reception on K Street The Hill (resilc)

Former Aide Scaramucci Trump “Is an Orange Wrecking Ball” Der Spiegel (Futility, resilc)

How to Protect America From the Next Donald Trump New York Times (resilc)

McConnell and Biden could bring bipartisan cooperation to Congress Washington Post (UserFriendly)

First comes a rolling civil war Pepe Escobar, Asia Times. Civil war is the wrong meme, even though that seems to be how the Democrats conceptualize what is happening (and they are the ones isolated in blue cities with easily severed supply lines…or now out in burbs and the countryside, surrounded by not necessarily friendly locals who certainly have more gunz than they do). I think we are going to have themed and not well organized violence. War implies organization and centralized control.

AOC wants to cancel those who worked for Trump. Good luck with that, they say. Politico

Map: These are the states that have agreed to a plan to replace the Electoral College NBC (furzy)


Progressive Message to Joe Biden: Don’t You Dare “Cooperate” With Mitch McConnell CommonDreams

Biden, Democrats prepare right-wing administration WSWS

The Task of ‘Sleepy Joe’ is to Put Liberal America Right Back to Sleep Counterpunch

2021 can be a climate breakthrough, but Biden and Europe need to talk Bruegel

Our Famously Free Press

Facebook removes pages tied to former Trump advisor Steve Bannon CNBC (furzy)

‘Lots of people are going to suffer’: Nouriel Roubini on the possibility of a double dip recession and its impact on the labor market Yahoo (resilc)

Update on Churches Filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Pamela Foohey, Credit Slips

India Opens Antitrust Case Against Google Over Its Payments App TechCrunch

Southwest is reportedly looking to acquire up to 30 Boeing 737 Max jets even though many travelers say they don’t want to fly on the troubled plane Business Insider

“Spencer England,” In Remembrance, November 8, 2020 Angry Bear

Guillotine Watch

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has applied to become a citizen of Cyprus Vox (Chuck L). Cyprus? A critical hub for bona fide Russian business (foreign companies invest via Cyprus subs to have access to English law courts in the event of a dispute) and money laundering.

Antidote du jour (Tracie H):

And a bonus (guurst):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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