After spending recent seasons alienating parents across America with homosexual and BLM propaganda, PBS Kids' Arthur, the longest running animated children's series ever on television, is officially getting the ax. On January 18, the public broadcaster announced that the final four episodes of the series will...
The Justice Department has abandoned its efforts to seize three properties owned by Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, who received a pardon from the former president in December. The real estate includes Manafort's 10-bedroom, 6-bath home at Bridgehampton,...
OAKLAND, Calif. — The campaign to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom has had nearly 670,000 signatures validated with a month left to reach roughly 1.5 million, according to an official Friday update, but the total number of valid signatures...
Former President Donald Trump hinted at a 2024 presidential run, saying, “We’re going to be doing it again,” on Saturday during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).Read more:
Donald Trump “has no principles” and people “can’t trust him” according to his eldest sister, the first rebuke of the president from any of his siblings to be made public since he ascended to the presidency. In secretly recorded...
As U.S. troops evacuate diplomats from Kabul this weekend, a frantic effort is also underway behind the scenes to rescue Afghan interpreters and other local partners and their families before they are executed or otherwise punished as collaborators by...
Aaron Lewis’s new country song “Am I the Only One” quickly rose to the top of Billboard’s Hot Country Songs list because of its pro-American lyrics and strong criticism at the left. The song’s popularity angered a lot of...
  Head Of State Donald J. Trump on Sunday claimed he would promptly return to power after discovering that the U.S. military was nearing conclusion on a detailed investigation right into the illegitimacy of the 2020 governmental political election, a...
The federal budget gap will widen to $3 trillion this year, nearly triple the shortfall recorded just two years ago as the pandemic continues to grow the deficit, the Congressional Budget Office said in its latest 10-year projections released...
CHICAGO — Jussie Smollett on Tuesday repeatedly denied he staged a racist, anti-gay attack on himself for publicity, telling a prosecutor as the trial neared its end that “there was no hoax on my part” and that two brothers...


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