The liberal media still love to attack conservatives and Donald Trump. On MSNBC’s The Last Word Tuesday night, unhinged leftist host Lawrence O’Donnell brought on Mary Trump to sell her new book trashing Donald Trump. Together, they smeared Republicans as the party of white supremacy. Trump even went as far as to urge Democrats and the media to label the entire Republican Party as “fascist.”

At the start of the segment, Trump summarized her book,  The Reckoning: Our Nation’s Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal, which looks at how America shaped President Trump: 

And I found two really interesting and disturbing coincidences, similarities between what I found in my family and what I found in American history. One is Donald’s never been held accountable, and historically practically no powerful white men have been held accountable in America. And also that we never, we never looked clearly at where we came from, from slavery to the end of the civil war and the failures of reconstruction on through the present day.



Unsurprisingly, she devoted a portion of her screed to branding Trump as a fascist. However, she went beyond this and wailed “Still arguing about whether or not to call Donald a fascist is the new version of the media’s year-long struggle to figure out if they should call his lies ‘lies.’ What’s more relevant now is whether the media and Democrats will extend the label of fascism to the Republican Party itself.”

When asked if this label should extend to all Republicans, Trump emphasized the urgency of using it. Her rationale was the exhausted leftist argument that because Republicans have allegedly abandoned the rules, nobody has to abide by the rules:

Without question…it’s a waste of time and quite honestly, it’s a waste of our opportunity to turn things around. The next year and a half will be incredibly crucial to see if we can put a stop to this trend, and the Democrats in particular and the media, in general, have to face this in a way that demonstrates that they understand the seriousness of the threat. Democrats can’t keep playing by old rules because Republicans have burned the rule book. There are no rules anymore, so pulling punches and using language that’s polite isn’t going to get us where we need to be.

Trump and O’Donnell neglected to mention that Democrats have undoubtedly broken many rules, from Texas lawmakers breaking quorum to travel to D.C. to fight against “voter suppression” to supporting the Defund the Police movement following a summer of destructive BLM riots.  However, it is clear that the liberal media and their allies would rather continue to insult the GOP and elevate Democrats. 

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Below is a transcript of the segment, click “expand” to read: 

MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell
10:25 p.m. Eastern

LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: Joining us now is Mary Trump, author of the new book, “The Reckoning: Our Nation’s Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal”, which comes out on August 17th. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. We really appreciate it.

MARY TRUMP: It’s great to be here, Lawrence.

O’DONNELL: So, it seems diagnostically you’ve widened the focus on the patient you were examining in your last book, and in that book, of course, your focus was wide enough to include your family members, Donald Trump’s father, and what shaped him and the family. Now you’re taking a look at the country that shaped him, the country he grew up in, the lies this country has told to itself, which is all part of Donald Trump’s own conditioning in lying about himself throughout his life.

TRUMP: Yeah. When I started to formulate the idea for this book, we were back in the worsening era of COVID, the second wave, I believe it was in September/October, it was still before the election. Things were looking quite desperate politically and from a health standpoint, and I wanted to figure out how we got to this place where we were so vulnerable as a country on almost every level. Our democracy was on the brink. The American experiment was on the edge of failure, and hundreds of thousands of Americans were dying needlessly because of the malfeasance and ineptitude of Donald’s administration, and it seemed that — I felt like we needed to go back farther to figure out how it seemed that so much unraveled in such a short period of time.

And I found two really interesting and disturbing coincidences, similarities between what I found in my family and what I found in American history. One is Donald’s never been held accountable, and historically practically no powerful white men have been held accountable in America. And also that we never, we never looked clearly at where we came from, from slavery to the end of the civil war and the failures of reconstruction on through the present day.

O’DONNELL: You write in the book about Donald Trump. He is constitutionally incapable of making the right choice in any way, real or imagined, doing so might conflict with his self-interest because COVID hit blue states first and was found to affect communities of color disproportionately, it was even easier for him to make that choice. It also ensured that his base would embrace the China virus is a hoax narrative because it reinforced their belief in white supremacy and catered to their own need for divisiveness. That is the first explanation I have read about what’s happened on that disbelieving side of the country about COVID-19.

TRUMP: Yeah. And, you know, another thing that became incredibly clear — I mean, not that we all shouldn’t have been aware of it, and many Americans have been aware of it forever, is the extent to which white supremacy has played a role and continues to play a role. And one thing Donald did is expose the extent to which being an open racist is a winning proposition in the Republican Party, and all of these things are connected, and we need to start seeing them that way, or I’m afraid we’re never going to be able to get beyond it.

O’DONNELL: Well, yeah. The Republican Party’s been trying to appeal in varying degrees of shaded language since 1968, at least ‘64 with Barry Goldwater, to the racist side of our voting. They were trying to get those southern Democrats who had been voting for racist southern Democrats, and Donald Trump came along and just took all of the shading away from it and just made it extremely clear. He’s one of them.

TRUMP: Yeah, and it’s remarkable. Well, maybe it shouldn’t be remarkable, quite honestly. But it’s disheartening, shall we say, just how effective it is, just how appealing that is to so many people to have been given that permission, and it’s no accident that practically 100 percent of the people at the insurrection were white people, and it’s no accident that the Republican leadership has embraced Donald, has embraced what the rest of us might view as the worst things about him, which are the worst things in America because they know they have a very narrow path to stay in power, and it is by appealing to the worst instincts in the American people.

O’DONNELL: Another passage in your book says, “Donald is an instinctive fascist who is limited by his inability to see beyond himself, or as the historian Timothy Snyder puts it, his vision never went further than a mirror. Still arguing about whether or not to call Donald a fascist is the new version of the media’s years-long struggle to figure out if they should call his lies “lies.” What’s more relevant now is whether the media and Democrats will extend the label of fascism to the Republican Party itself.” Should we extend that label to the Republican Party?

TRUMP: Without question. There — it’s a waste of time and quite honestly, it’s a waste of our opportunity to turn things around. The next year and a half will be incredibly crucial to see if we can put a stop to this trend, and the Democrats in particular and the media, in general, have to face this in a way that demonstrates that they understand the seriousness of the threat. Democrats can’t keep playing by old rules because Republicans have burned the rule book. There are no rules anymore, so pulling punches and using language that’s polite isn’t going to get us where we need to be.

O’DONNELL: I have a lot more notes here about your book. And if you can stay with us across a couple of minutes of commercials, we can get in a few more questions.

TRUMP: I’d love to.

O’DONNELL: Ok. Great. We’ll be right back with Mary Trump.

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