Wednesday night’s The ReidOut provided yet another example of the liberal media’s blatant hatred for conservatives. During the “Absolute Worst” segment, Reid smeared Republicans as the absolute worst because of their “victim status envy.” Afterwards, she brought in Kurt Bardella, who agreed and juvenilely smeared Republicans as “mentally fragile, weak, scared little children in a corner.”

Reid opened the segment by addressing Republicans and their negative reaction to mask-mandates and other COVID policies and claimed they want “to be classed as victims.” Bardella quickly offered his opinion:

[T]here’s such a cognitive dissonance here. On one hand, the right likes to pride themselves on, quote-unquote, owning the libs, and calling everyone snowflakes. And on the other hand, they’re claiming to be victims. They’re delicate. They’re weak. They’re to be — you know, we’re supposed to feel pity for them. How horrible that they’re being infringed upon and attacked from the radicals, socialists, and all the things that they litter out there every single day. And the reality is, obviously, none of that is true. None of that is rooted in reality.



According to Bardella, the GOP can’t win when the conversation is rooted in facts and historical accuracy. As expected with the liberal media, he related this to fact-checking, a system that has been proven to promote leftist views: “…they’re hoping beyond hope that anybody who aligns with them won’t have the intellectual curiosity or ability to do a simple Google search and fact-check them.”

Naturally Reid ranted about how it is wrong for conservatives to call themselves victims, even as she played the race card. She even went on to make the bold claim that it is Republicans, not the radical left, who are constantly whining about being oppressed. With regards to COVID policy, Reid asked Bardella whether or not Republicans “want to spread COVID,” and he responded: “There has got to be a mental health explanation for the irrational desire to want to not wear a mask, go to super-spreader events, get everybody infected, infect their loved ones, their parents, their grandparents, watch them all die. And then they claim proudly that it’s their right to do that.”

Despite the obvious insecurity of left-wing MSNBC hosts and pundits who feel the need to constantly hurl vile insults at their political opponents, they claim those on the right are the ones playing the “victim.”

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Below is a transcript of the segment, click “expand” to read:

MSNBC’s The Reid Out
7:41 p.m. Eastern

JOY REID: Joining me now is Kurt Bardella, “L.A. Times” contributor and Democratic Party strategist. And, Kurt, I mean, I hate to keep taking you back to the nightmare days of Breitbart, but I need for you to explain to me why Republicans have VSE, victim status envy. Why do they want so badly to redirect historic wrongs, especially racially-based wrongs, and make them themselves the star of that show and the victim? Why do they want to be classed as victims?

KURT BARDELLA: I mean, it’s a mania, Joy, here, I mean, because, again, there’s —there’s such a cognitive dissonance here. On one hand, the right likes to pride themselves on, quote-unquote, owning the libs, and calling everyone snowflakes. And on the other hand, they’re claiming to be victims. They’re delicate. They’re weak. They’re to be — you know, we’re supposed to feel pity for them. How horrible that they’re being infringed upon and attacked from the radicals, socialists, and all the things that they litter out there every single day. And the reality is, obviously, none of that is true. None of that is rooted in reality. But it’s the only thing that they can do. It’s the only fallback that they have.

They know that when the playing field is level, they can’t win. They know that in a conversation about actual public policy, about the things that truly impact people’s day-to-day lives, they can’t win. They know that in a conversation rooted in fact, reality, truth, historical accuracy and context, they can’t win. And so, they trot this line of B.S. out there every single day across the propaganda networks and channels, and they hope – they’re hoping beyond hope that anybody who aligns with them won’t have the intellectual curiosity or ability to do a simple Google search and fact-check them on their nonsense. That’s what they’re hoping.

REID: It’s wild, because, you know, right, they tried to sort of play that they’re the macho party. But there’s the least macho thing in the world is self-pity. And, you know, you’re sitting here as somebody who has talked about anti-Asian violence, how it’s impacted you.

You know, I’m a black person, so, hello, 1619 and on it’s been rough. But the whininess that you see — you don’t see that from people of color. Oh they’re literally like, they won’t let me wear — not wear a mask in Walmart, and I just want to go in Costco and cough on you.

You know, do you get the sense that they — is this that they want to spread COVID? Is that they feel it’s their right to spread COVID? Is this like a measles blanket thing from the puritans? What is this? Why do they seem to want to spread COVID?

BARDELLA: I go back to, it’s this mania, right? I mean, there has got to be a mental health explanation for the irrational desire to want to not wear a mask, go to super-spreader events, get everybody infected, infect their loved ones, their parents, their grandparents, watch them all die. And then the claim proudly that it’s their right to do that. That it`s somehow wrapped in this misguided sense of liberty and freedom. Those are the buzzwords, Joy — liberty, freedom.

REID: Yeah, it`s a right to die. It’s basically a right to die.

BARDELLA: Right, and the Republicans have been using those words and the blanket of patriotism as an excuse for all the oppression that they have put forward against communities of color, against working poor, against minorities and immigrants, and the least vulnerable among us. And so, this is the game that they continually play. And you’re right, it is — it is — talking about this wannabe macho party, this wannabe tough guy, strong man act that they pull, these people are the most mentally fragile, weak, scared little children in a corner, hiding people that you will ever find, because at the end of the day, when push comes to shove, and they get caught and they get pulled before court, they’re the ones crying to their lawyers now, saying, oh, I had Fox psychosis. I was — I can’t believe this happened. They fold immediately like a house of cards when they get called on their B.S.

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