The Only Choice Left: Slavery or Freedom

Typically, my conversations with experts about the COVID pandemic revolve around the infection and its treatment. Today’s interview with finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts...

“You want to join the fight?”…Huge Crowd of New Yorkers Protest,...

First responders objected in New York City versus the vaccine required for city employees by tossing bags of garbage on Read more:...

Japan’s Blue Impulse aerobatics team dropped dye on 300 cars on...

Japan's Blue Impulse aerobatics group dropped color on 300 cars and trucks on Paralympics' opening day - The Mainichi The MainichiRead more:...

BREAKING: Far-Left, Anti-Gun Actor Alec Baldwin Accidentally Shoots and Kills 42-Yr-Old...

The hot-headed, anti-gun, far-left star Alec Baldwin has actually mistakenly eliminated a cinematographer and injured the director on a set of...

Ivanka Time Travel Parts 1 of 2

🔥🔥🔥 Ivanka Time Travel 🔥🔥🔥 Ingersoll Lockwood Looking Glass Plus Ultra Part 1 of 2   Cred: FollowtheWhiteRabbit1776 Join 👉@TheRealKimShady

Project Looking Glass

🔥🔥🔥  PROJECT LOOKING GLASS 🔥🔥🔥   Important Video to watch if you have not seen it. 45 min long.... ENJOY!!   Navy Seal, Bill Wood Area 51 Looking Glass Nothing can stop...