Have you ever wanted to take an African drum class, but felt just a little bit intimidated? Well now is your chance to learn about the vibrant polyrhythms of Guinea, West Africa in a non-threatening atmosphere that is fun, encouraging, and inspirational for beginning and experienced drummers alike!

Join Alseny Yansane, dynamic teacher & fourteen year performing artist with world renowned Ballets Africains of Guinea as he offers a drum course that will teach all the basics for learning the West African poly-rhythmic orchestra including Djembe accompaniment parts, musical signals and arrangements, solo phrases and Dundun drum and bell parts. Papa Yansane andAndrea DiPalma Yansane will be assisting in the class to help Alseny demonstrate how the different drum parts line up to best model how they fit together musically. Drums are available for class use!

* improved hand position, posture and sound quality
*enhanced speed, endurance, manual dexterity
* increased ability to focus on specific drum parts
* capacity to hold steady while drumming in a poly-rhythmic group setting
* deeper understanding of the wealth and diversity of West African cultural arts
* relaxation, enjoyment & self-expression

Tuesdays, April 7, 14, 21, 28 & May 5
5:45-7:15 pm
Online platform: Zoom

Suggested donation:
$75 for pre-paid 5 week course (7.5 hours of instruction)
$60 students w/ valid ID for pre-paid 5 week course (7.5 hours of instruction)

Payment made via
Venmo: WestAfrican-CulturalArts or
PayPal:[email protected]

To register or get more info call Andrea @ 541.731.1278 or email [email protected] 

Click here for photos of previous Drum Courses!

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